A small sampling of some of the talks I have given over the years.


TEDXGettysburgCollege: Mindfulness, affect, helplessness, intimacy, sexiness

Mindfulness, Affect, Helplessness, Intimacy, Sexiness. "Doctor Chiké," an adult and child psychiatrist, discusses these five concepts and their relation to how knowing your affect is essential to regaining your center, and helping you make optimal decisions.


Hope Springs Eternal: Erik Erikson and the the Shawshank redemption

A multimedia presentation looking at Erickson’s schedule of virtues in Insight and Responsibility (1964). Erikson is concerned with virtue, which he defines from its Latin roots of strength, restraint, and courage. The eight virtues of Hope, Will, Purpose, Competence, Fidelity, Love, Care, and Wisdom are exemplified in the movie, The Shawshank Redemption (1994), based on the novella by Stephen King, Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, from the novel Different Seasons (1982). 


Fight Club; Sex, Aggression, and Soap: A re-Vision of the Oedipus Conflict and a Jungian Exploration of the Masculine shadow

Re-examining the Oedipus complex, focusing on feelings of abandonment, being unwanted and the resulting anger in the movie, Fight Club by director David Fincher. I also explore structural theory, 21st century male identity, and facets of Freud's Civilization and its Discontents in the movie. The movie also examines what Jung described as the Masculine Shadow and possible future manifestations of positive Masculinity.


Memento: The unreliable Narrator

The Unreliable Narrator. Discussion and differential diagnosis of a patient who intentionally swallowed multiple sharp objects on multiple occasions, as well as parallels to the movie Memento (2000) by director Christopher Nolan. Discussant: John Querques, M.D.